Friday, September 7, 2012

That girl...

...she. Is. A. B-I-A-T-C-H. Major pain in the a**. A freakin snobby little sh*t. @#%$&*#$@%!!!!!!!

Woke up early, got to school early, expecting for the topic to be easy. Never thought a girl with her caliber to be super expecting from us.

See, there's this project we were supposed to be doing this week about the history of WWII for world history class. Our leader, aka the snobby one, was assigned to direct everything. We didn't really knew each other that well. Since first impressions leave lasting marks, she acted nice the first meet, all sweet and kind and over all miss popularity.

A good day from the morning where I woke up from a dream I knew was great but unfortunately forgot about(that's the fickle human mind for you) to the point where it was going well until you got totally ambushed by a wolf in sheep's clothing.

She was giving instructions-she had really great ideas-until one of the opinionated member of our group spoke up and one thing led to another and the next thing I knew, they were like contradicting each other's statements. At first, it was all good, at least I think it did til the girl blindsided the member by removing him/her (sorry can't risk even that about the member's identity) from the group which opened a whole new can of worms.

It all ended with that person leaving(feel so bad for that person, since he/she was a good friend) voluntarily. I would have said that the girl was a total beyatch but after the whole fiasco, and for the sake of every body's grade, I kept it to myself. Actually, I ranted about the girl's "great" personality later after the meet. About how a snob she was, how she would sing about her personal achievements as if we could care and being a stinkin' smarty pants. Honestly, that girl really, really needs to loosen up. And nobody really likes a smarty pants. No matter how pretty or how may accomplishments she/he has. No need to rub it in our faces that she's more superior than most ordinary people.

I think she has a stick shoved up her ass her entire life and had a few friends for all the ice-queen vibe she sends out. Maybe she mostly has fake friends, anyway.

I'm not doing this because I'm being mean or anything, its because I needed to lose much pent-up steam over the ordeal. I don't have much of a choice in the matter; its either this or start putting my frustration and anger on more destructive methods.

Anyway, I was hoping these brewing emotions would melt away by now; sadly none of my calming methods are working. I don't know what to do. I can't drown myself in chocolate(1, because I'd get fat faster even though it helps a little, and 2 it'll have bad repercussions on my skin) so  that leaves exercise. Hard running, violent tennis and among other things.

My friend says that he/she was fine, but I'm not so sure. After being on the receiving end of that snake of a tongue...I'm just hoping that after that ordeal, she would get better at treating other people as ordinary people, not expecting too highly of others by comparing themselves to her, and understand that being normal is a good thing, loosening a little and having a little fun(even though she says she's a smiley person-highly doubt it). Treating everybody as equals would benefit all of us and maybe create a more pleasant environment where we all could understand each other's limit in skills.

I do not want a repeat of that. Ever. She could just suck up her scathing opinions and leave if she continues to be that way. why