Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Poems, poems, poems...

Something unimaginable happened today...something I never would have expected praise from...

Today, when my prof announced "We're going to create a 5 line poem..." I was like "Oh, shit!, I'm gonna fail this..I so suck at this!!!" The class progressed, my prof explaining the mechanics, I was like, super relieved because it was so EASY!!!.. Well, I think that was just the basics.

Funny thing she said was that the boys were more poetic in things like this than the girls. Yeah, I kind of knew that because I know most boys are prone to being emo-ishness and depression and that kind of stuff... I think that's why most emos are so poetic and some were Goths and have gothic death metal bands..I'm not sure...

Anyway, I think I spent almost 10 minutes just thinking about the topic I'm supposed to write about...My thoughts were like "Paper....hmmm, no.. Anime???....hmm.. no...." then it hit me "Stars!!"

Funny thing happened when I was writing it. Because the format for the poem was like this:

Adjective + adjective
verb + adverb
like a...
if only...

So, when I was writing the words, the words flowing through me to my hand like thick sludge...Freakin writer's block happened and I was like "What's another word for....another word, another word.. shit!"

Thank goodness for some entity or something who's looking down at me and gave me a burst of inspiration. "Stars" became "Northern Lights" because I ran out of words on how to poem a star. So it goes like this...

"Northern Lights"

so mysterious and divine...
dancing hypnotically in the sky...
like tidal waves of light...
if only I could dance with you every night...

Miss said it was very lovely and she really liked it. Huh. Surprised the hell out of me because when I read it, it doesn't sound so extraordinary or anything, proving that I have no sense of taste or sophistication when it comes to poetry. And she was right about the boys. When they read their pieces, the entire class was like "Aww"..then laughing then there were moments the pieces were so deep, we were like "Deep, man, deeeeep.." Then two of the three stooges as well like to call them, read their pieces at the same time, alternating lines and like harmonizing each other. "The sword and the shield" thing... so hilarious... Then my friends and I had a devious plan to create a "funny" poem for a friend of ours. Have to wait for his reaction tomorrow though. Still, I can't imagine what he'll do. Will he laugh, be offended(fake if he did) or seek revenge???..*shudder* like I told my friend... "Hell hath no fury like a gay-man's scorn"... Hahahaha >.<

*Sigh*.. good day. :)