Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The End of the 2 Days....

Whether you're a believer or not, don't you ever think that the day when everything ends? That everything you know would be gone?

In two days, the Mayan calendar supposedly indicates the end of civilization as we know it. Nostradamus says so, too but didn't day when though. 

There are many who think of the end days as: a moment where we prepare and muster any survival instincts we have and strive to live in a post-apocalyptic world; and the days where we live to the fullest, go on with our everyday lives, and live life as it is. Those days are when humanity will be thoroughly tested.

But enough of that crap. No more doom and gloom, and trying to drive yourself crazy with the endless possibilities of the future. I for one am a little skeptic of the 12/21/12 prophecy. If there was a catastrophic disaster that would wipe out humanity, shouldn't there be at least warning signs that would signal the end? Aside form global warming and the effects of that, of course. I mean, if it was true, then maybe, in my opinion, the end would only happen to a certain few, like those past disasters that was supposedly predicted by Nostradamus or some other guy who thought that day was the end. Its that or that the events in Day After Tomorrow movie would happen; they're spontaneous and happened within a matter of weeks. Or maybe some super fast comet big enough to cause massive extinction would hit earth so fast that we have only months to prepare like in Armageddon.

The Dec 21 day is a winter solstice, meaning that there would be a very long night then. So, what do you think would happen? Lunar eclipse signaling something terrifying would happen? Plagues worst than the Black Plague? Waves pulled by the moon, bigger that the tallest mountain in the world? A massive collision with another planet? Solar flares that would burn us to a crisp? Or maybe, a more practical reason; the collapse of the market economy and whatnot. Whatever it is, more and more people who believe in this grow more panicky with each day. Mass hysteria would ensue probably on the day before the end. And chaos around the globe cause by people who're paranoid about the end would probably happen, too. Maybe. Probably.

There are people out there who prep for the worst, avid preppers who stockpile food, weapons and whatnot in order to survive a post-apocalyptic world. Though I kind of think they're slightly paranoid, but for a good reason, I would guess. Because when the end really comes, they'll be the ones who would probably survive longer; depends on the the survival equipment they have, the shelter they live in and the like. I salute their efforts, though I'm still doubtful that some of their causes for their prepping would come to past. 

 So, for the believers out there, make your preparations, spend time with your loved ones because  hey, this might be your last days with them. On the other hand, for the non-believers, move on, but live your life to he fullest. You never know when you will die , so I think its best to spend it the best way you can. :))

You know, we should use this opportunity to make peace with those we don't get along with and find unity with other people. I mean, Christmas is nearing and it time to celebrate in joy and the birth of Christ. Not wallow in prepping. We'll do whatever it takes when the time comes; we'll move into action when we get there. Or when its staring at us in the face. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Work Done. Let the vacay begin!!!

Silent for almost a month. Wow. I think that's my new record. :)

This past month, my profs are hassling us with work after work after work, all wanting a deadline of before the Christmas vacation. Yeah, its understandable, but hey! we want to have a vacation almost as badly as you do but we're not kids with super powers who'd zapped all our work--hey presto! my work's done! The expectations of these people. But still, I understand(even though I really don't want to.) They have the right to harass us and work us till we drop but at the cost of their sleep as well. It's a little comfort knowing that, honestly. At least their's still teamwork present in every work we had. 

Now, after two freakin weeks of procrastinating, planning and getting paranoid for the finals. Procrastinate. That's what we all know and have an experience doing. Real well, actually. And often enough to be honest. Six exams, then finding out that we don't have to take the exam on some subjects, and taking some of them early, turns six to four exams. Two with the coverage of EVERYTHING and two who is okay enough. But when I heard "everything"...I think i saw black spots or something when I heard my profs from the two hardest subjects I ever encountered that I think I would only pass if I had a really excellent memory. Which, unfortunately for me, I don't have. Short term memories have their good sides and, sometimes it sucks to have one. Ugh.

Now that finals are done, I can focus on taking a much well needed break. And lots of sleep. Running on marshmallows, chocolate and food I could take is good enough for a while but never for long. Expect spurts of energy then some bouts of sleepiness with the occasional sluggishness you'd expect from eating lots of sugar and not much healthy food. 

And for my Christmas mission: to lose enough pounds until I feel good about myself again. With enough exercise and moderate eating(though I think that's impossible with all the food that comes with this season) I will lose those flabs!!! Wahahaha!!!

....sleep deprivation...never good for a growing girl....Especially if that girl is paranoid, stressed and down-right depressed. (Way to darken my holidays. :l) Just all dark and gloom when there should be joy, and brightness and all that holiday feeling stuff. :P

...which you have no care. Sorry. Shutting up now. -_-