Tuesday, June 5, 2012

new cover, new cover, NEW COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

OMG!!!!.. THE COVER'S HERE!!!! is that Jason & Percy FIGHTING?!?!?!?!? that sure as hell look a wicked looking owl right there. Hey!!! That's Jack and...who's was that horse again?? And I have to wait for  3 MONTHS for this?!?!?! The waiting sure does kill me as well as royally pissing me off!!! And since its a long wait, here are come things I highly expect(which may or may not come true, but sure as hell going to keep expecting):

1. PercyxAnnabeth reunion. I'm gonna smack Percy right upside the head if I can if he screws his first time with her after so many months of her worrying and doubting about him. So you better make this work.

2. JasonxPiperxReyna(possible) triangle. I honestly think that Reyna and Jason got something going on before he disappeared from Camp Jupiter. I mean in the previous book it doesn't seem that way but I think Reyna's feelings are one-sided otherwise Jason wouldn't hook-up with Piper if he was taken. To me, he's just not that type of guy and he's too nice.

3. TysonxElla. I know it's kinda gross to some of you but...the big guy kinda grew on me and Ella's sweet in a...crazy, Harpy kind of way.

4. Leox...? It would be nice if Leo, Camp Half-Blood's Romeo could get a decent girlfriend or girl who would like him. Its kind of sad for his friends to have someone and he doesn't. :(

5. FrankxHazel. Glad their together, although from what I've read in the previous book, Leo's probably going to be involved in a triangle whether he wants to or not. Gotta blame the genes. *Sigh*

6. OCTAVIAN  MUST DIE!!!!!!! That little piece of schist should just shut up when he's not needed. He's nothing without his precious Sybelline scrolls anyway. If you ask me, Rachel's more reliable with the Oracle itself hijacking her than some kid ripping innocent stuffed animals and reading their fluffy entrails.  *hmph*

Hmm.. Well that's all I can think of now. Can't wait for Mark of Athena. 3 months sucks. :(

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