Thursday, January 17, 2013

Unexpected morning... ended in an unexpected realization

This morning's activity has inspired me to do something I'd never in a long time..

My professor wanted us to go into groups for reasons I had no idea yet then. Luck of all lucks, she started the lesson with descriptive for novels and the like. Funny thing about it was that my friend and I who's a fanfic writer get the point. 

So, there we were, two writers in one groups. We had a heck of a time because we keep changing what the scenes and details of this and that. The topic was our perspective on a a scene where you're seeing your crush. The setting and details were up to you. 

I noticed then that many--actually majority--chose that and were giggling their asses off. For our part, we laugh too for the most part of the activity.

After class, I had a spark of inspiration. It made me realize that with all the stuff that's happened in my life, I lost touch with the one thing I loved the most. 

So..for this year's resolution(though I'm not sure if you're suppose to make on before or after the new years) is to finish my novels no matter how long it takes because, now that I think about it, there's so much pleasure in having to accomplish such a tedious yet enjoyable task. The mental blocks and editing are challenges I'll gladly go through just so because in the end, I know that finally finished this. That I could say proudly that I made this and that it doesn't matter if not much people would like it. 

What matters is the feeling that comes with it and the knowledge that at least some people would appreciate it. :)

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