Friday, October 19, 2012

Exams...BRING IT ON!!!

Midterm week!!!

The time comes again when I have to shove all that I will read in my head and hope that it doesn't burst  out leaving me empty of vital info. Especially during the test.

Sleepless drinks...lots and LOTS of coffee...and too many junk food to count...

Here we go again. Only this time, the daunting majors are leading the enemy front line.

Its not only just me battling against them. Armed to the teeth with study techs and an array of caffeinated food, my fellow friends and I will battle it out to the fullest. The stakes are high this term, with too many to lose looming ahead.

This is just the stress talking. Haven't got any sleep last night. Worse part is, that whole night, I only got half of the work done. Don't know why, but nothing stuck when I tried to shove all of it into my slightly-cloudy brain. I tried coffee, candy even soda... Nothing worked. I still knocked out.

Very tired kittyFirst subject was Phil. It isn't even a major yet its like a bar exam. Its like you have to memorize the whole book in order to answer all correctly. I mean, I tried, really I did but there are still point where  guessed because it wasn't even...Anyway, the worst of the bunch is yet to come. In the form of an oral speech/exam actually. Apart from that, another very hard(although some of my friends wouldn't say that) subject that I HAVE to really stay awake for.

*sigh* Good luck to me. And to those who know what I'm feeling right now.. hope you have a better day than mine. Good luck to you all. (Well, I'll be needing it. Definitely)

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A little humor to brighten the day. >@<

Student graphics

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