Saturday, November 17, 2012

It started with Twilight & finally ended with the end of Breaking Dawn

A few years ago, we all know the craze that happened at the release of Twilight. It dwindled only after a few years, the craze transferring to the succeeding film.

It only seemed fair to end the series of Stephanie Meyer by watching the last movie at the big screen since I started there in the first place. As a fan of the series, the end was so awesome, it makes me want to watch it over and over and over until I'm so sick of it my head'll hurt. Thought I don't think that's likely to happen.

Anyways, it was a great, perfect even in my opinion, end movie because there wasn't any cliff-hangers, the feel of bitin, even the feeling of something lacking was...well, lacking. From what I could remember of what was in the book, there were scenes that coincides with the film that I think were beautifully depicted, presented...whatever. I just think its awesome. (Now that I thought of it, the masterminds for these films already found the perfect Renesme for the movie long before the movie itself. Cool.)

I watched the movie with my bestie this weekend to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. Her mom puts her in house arrest during weekends, and her Dad is kind of paranoid when she leaves the house on weekends. We laughed so hard when she almost fainted at the price of the food she was going to order at the restaurant I brought her to. She's kind of a none-spender-if-not-necessary kind of girl, which means she usually spends a small amount on food and putting away the rest for more dire needs.

Anywho, we spent what time we had watching the movie, laughing and just hanging out. Its been a long time since we hang that long seeing as we were both busy with schoolwork and stuff. (Which reminds me I haven't done my speech yet. Shit. I'm SO SCREWED!!!)


We were bestfriends since high school, been through thick and thin, able to stand my twisted, quirky attitude for that long and not leave me as others had done...for that, I owe her a lot and will always have her back as she has done before.

For me, its hard to say these mushy stuff, prefering to express what I feel through writing or through song if I've not choice. That's the purpose of this blog. For me to show what I feel deep inside because I don't have the right words, or don't have the willpower to say it. I can't help it if I just bottle it all up. Avoidance of getting hurt maybe. I don't know. But its the hurt I inflict whenever I hesitate or find it hard to tell the right things at the right moment that hurts me the most.

So, thanks for everything Jazz, love you and always, ALWAYS, take care of yourself. And always remember that I'll be there for you as you'd been there for me. Through thick and thin, anything, there's nothing we can't solve together. :)

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