Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hard times in life

Its kind of hard to say things that you know you shouldn't say. If its for the sake of others, you'd try to keep your shut. That deep, nasty secret your keeping, it will eat you up inside, nag at you and be always there to remind you at the most unexpected times.

But then, that's what friend's are for, right?

Take for example of a situation where your bestfriend was cheating on your other bf's boyfriend and you found out, would you keep it from the other bf and act like you never saw or know anything about it? Or would you confront that bestfriend, risk your friendship, because you know its wrong and you know your bestfriend better than that. But what if you never really knew her? What if after a small period of separation between the two of you would suddenly make you realize that she isn't the same person you knew before?

I know that some people are braver, more outspoken and have more guts to do the right thing and confront that friend. Lucky are those who are and have already done those deeds. But what about the weak? Those people who don't have it in the, and naive and selfless that they would turn the other way to keep things between them the same as always.

Life sucks sometimes. There are the easy parts where it makes life a paradise; and there are the hard parts that make it bearable but sometimes hard to take in. Should you be given a choice, would you choose an easy life, where everything is predictable, safe and black & white or would you rather choose life with easy and hard parts that sometimes makes it unbearable but also worth living in? You choose, becasue I'm having a hrad time making up my mind. :)

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