Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The End of the 2 Days....

Whether you're a believer or not, don't you ever think that the day when everything ends? That everything you know would be gone?

In two days, the Mayan calendar supposedly indicates the end of civilization as we know it. Nostradamus says so, too but didn't day when though. 

There are many who think of the end days as: a moment where we prepare and muster any survival instincts we have and strive to live in a post-apocalyptic world; and the days where we live to the fullest, go on with our everyday lives, and live life as it is. Those days are when humanity will be thoroughly tested.

But enough of that crap. No more doom and gloom, and trying to drive yourself crazy with the endless possibilities of the future. I for one am a little skeptic of the 12/21/12 prophecy. If there was a catastrophic disaster that would wipe out humanity, shouldn't there be at least warning signs that would signal the end? Aside form global warming and the effects of that, of course. I mean, if it was true, then maybe, in my opinion, the end would only happen to a certain few, like those past disasters that was supposedly predicted by Nostradamus or some other guy who thought that day was the end. Its that or that the events in Day After Tomorrow movie would happen; they're spontaneous and happened within a matter of weeks. Or maybe some super fast comet big enough to cause massive extinction would hit earth so fast that we have only months to prepare like in Armageddon.

The Dec 21 day is a winter solstice, meaning that there would be a very long night then. So, what do you think would happen? Lunar eclipse signaling something terrifying would happen? Plagues worst than the Black Plague? Waves pulled by the moon, bigger that the tallest mountain in the world? A massive collision with another planet? Solar flares that would burn us to a crisp? Or maybe, a more practical reason; the collapse of the market economy and whatnot. Whatever it is, more and more people who believe in this grow more panicky with each day. Mass hysteria would ensue probably on the day before the end. And chaos around the globe cause by people who're paranoid about the end would probably happen, too. Maybe. Probably.

There are people out there who prep for the worst, avid preppers who stockpile food, weapons and whatnot in order to survive a post-apocalyptic world. Though I kind of think they're slightly paranoid, but for a good reason, I would guess. Because when the end really comes, they'll be the ones who would probably survive longer; depends on the the survival equipment they have, the shelter they live in and the like. I salute their efforts, though I'm still doubtful that some of their causes for their prepping would come to past. 

 So, for the believers out there, make your preparations, spend time with your loved ones because  hey, this might be your last days with them. On the other hand, for the non-believers, move on, but live your life to he fullest. You never know when you will die , so I think its best to spend it the best way you can. :))

You know, we should use this opportunity to make peace with those we don't get along with and find unity with other people. I mean, Christmas is nearing and it time to celebrate in joy and the birth of Christ. Not wallow in prepping. We'll do whatever it takes when the time comes; we'll move into action when we get there. Or when its staring at us in the face. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Work Done. Let the vacay begin!!!

Silent for almost a month. Wow. I think that's my new record. :)

This past month, my profs are hassling us with work after work after work, all wanting a deadline of before the Christmas vacation. Yeah, its understandable, but hey! we want to have a vacation almost as badly as you do but we're not kids with super powers who'd zapped all our work--hey presto! my work's done! The expectations of these people. But still, I understand(even though I really don't want to.) They have the right to harass us and work us till we drop but at the cost of their sleep as well. It's a little comfort knowing that, honestly. At least their's still teamwork present in every work we had. 

Now, after two freakin weeks of procrastinating, planning and getting paranoid for the finals. Procrastinate. That's what we all know and have an experience doing. Real well, actually. And often enough to be honest. Six exams, then finding out that we don't have to take the exam on some subjects, and taking some of them early, turns six to four exams. Two with the coverage of EVERYTHING and two who is okay enough. But when I heard "everything"...I think i saw black spots or something when I heard my profs from the two hardest subjects I ever encountered that I think I would only pass if I had a really excellent memory. Which, unfortunately for me, I don't have. Short term memories have their good sides and, sometimes it sucks to have one. Ugh.

Now that finals are done, I can focus on taking a much well needed break. And lots of sleep. Running on marshmallows, chocolate and food I could take is good enough for a while but never for long. Expect spurts of energy then some bouts of sleepiness with the occasional sluggishness you'd expect from eating lots of sugar and not much healthy food. 

And for my Christmas mission: to lose enough pounds until I feel good about myself again. With enough exercise and moderate eating(though I think that's impossible with all the food that comes with this season) I will lose those flabs!!! Wahahaha!!!

....sleep deprivation...never good for a growing girl....Especially if that girl is paranoid, stressed and down-right depressed. (Way to darken my holidays. :l) Just all dark and gloom when there should be joy, and brightness and all that holiday feeling stuff. :P

...which you have no care. Sorry. Shutting up now. -_-

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It started with Twilight & finally ended with the end of Breaking Dawn

A few years ago, we all know the craze that happened at the release of Twilight. It dwindled only after a few years, the craze transferring to the succeeding film.

It only seemed fair to end the series of Stephanie Meyer by watching the last movie at the big screen since I started there in the first place. As a fan of the series, the end was so awesome, it makes me want to watch it over and over and over until I'm so sick of it my head'll hurt. Thought I don't think that's likely to happen.

Anyways, it was a great, perfect even in my opinion, end movie because there wasn't any cliff-hangers, the feel of bitin, even the feeling of something lacking was...well, lacking. From what I could remember of what was in the book, there were scenes that coincides with the film that I think were beautifully depicted, presented...whatever. I just think its awesome. (Now that I thought of it, the masterminds for these films already found the perfect Renesme for the movie long before the movie itself. Cool.)

I watched the movie with my bestie this weekend to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. Her mom puts her in house arrest during weekends, and her Dad is kind of paranoid when she leaves the house on weekends. We laughed so hard when she almost fainted at the price of the food she was going to order at the restaurant I brought her to. She's kind of a none-spender-if-not-necessary kind of girl, which means she usually spends a small amount on food and putting away the rest for more dire needs.

Anywho, we spent what time we had watching the movie, laughing and just hanging out. Its been a long time since we hang that long seeing as we were both busy with schoolwork and stuff. (Which reminds me I haven't done my speech yet. Shit. I'm SO SCREWED!!!)


We were bestfriends since high school, been through thick and thin, able to stand my twisted, quirky attitude for that long and not leave me as others had done...for that, I owe her a lot and will always have her back as she has done before.

For me, its hard to say these mushy stuff, prefering to express what I feel through writing or through song if I've not choice. That's the purpose of this blog. For me to show what I feel deep inside because I don't have the right words, or don't have the willpower to say it. I can't help it if I just bottle it all up. Avoidance of getting hurt maybe. I don't know. But its the hurt I inflict whenever I hesitate or find it hard to tell the right things at the right moment that hurts me the most.

So, thanks for everything Jazz, love you and always, ALWAYS, take care of yourself. And always remember that I'll be there for you as you'd been there for me. Through thick and thin, anything, there's nothing we can't solve together. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sad...but everything has an end

This is for those who know what I mean.. :)

With the Philippine Model United Nations at its near end, this delegate would like to reminisce on the good times in the committee.

Getting to know the other delegates and their skills was commenced on the very first day of the meeting as it should be. At first impression, I thought that everyone in the room was strictly serious  despite the rumors going around that the current Chairperson was the most nicest and lenient Chair in the MUN. I thought then that in the General Assembly, they were the committee who were supposed to be the cool one. And I was surprised when I found out their Chair was one of the strictest and the former Sec-Gen. Poor them.

As the days progressed, the other delegates joined forces to create a new resolution concerning the current agenda in line with Economic and Social issues. They worked surprisingly well and with full cooperation that we finished the first agenda, which usually was supposed to accommodate longer than I had expected. And for that this delegate commemorates the efforts of everyone for their cooperation and assistance in drafting the working papers so that we finished the first agenda halfway through the second day. This delegate also commemorates and admires the delegates of other countries who talked the most off and on the podium, for their utter confidence and their deliverance of their speeches. its almost as if they didn't need notes when they were on the podium. Hopefully, I'll be near their level by the next year.

Because of the smooth and fast-pace progress we were having, we get to finish 15 to 30 min before the allowable time of adjournment. We even got to be on the front page of the PhilMUN World Press. Also, the ECOSOC was one of the committees who finished 3 resolutions by day two. A major achievement for us.

Since we had to wait for the allowable time to adjourn, the Chair suggested a country promotion...through picking personal privilege notes given to the dais. It was so hilarious, the country promotions. One memorable delegate for taking his time as one of the speakers in the Speaker's List was clearly one of the most unforgettable. It was so informal ending with "...for the betterment of you and me.." or something like that and his interpretive speech by using gestures while singing "Heal the World", that he was always called by the Chair and the others just cracks ups. And his country promotion? As the delegate of South Korea, and since he wasn't prepared, he demonstrated how to eat bibimbap(is this correct??) and unknowingly then, poured a cup of hot sauce all over it, thinking it was some red sauce, and took a huge bite. Seriously, it was all in the World Press. I really feel bad--though, at the same time laughing inside, sorry to say--when immediately, his face reddens and it wasn't just because of the adrenaline and being in front.

As I mentioned in my FB page, "Really honored to be part of the ECOSOC community and am proud to say that overall "global participation" played a big role in a successful meeting during the past few days. Special mention to all the delegates who showed their prowess while drafting the resolution papers. Pero, seriously, I was happy how it all turned out."  I'm looking forward, more or less, to the next Model United Nations next year. And pray and hope that the Chair would be as great, lenient and MUN-savvy as our current Chair because sadly, this is her last PHILMUN and next year she'll be doing her OJT. 

Anyway, this delegate, again, is looking forward to this learning experience next year.

Friday, November 9, 2012

What are the odds???

Imagine my surprise when I saw my midterm grade at philosophy...not only did I fail, but also almost of class. As in, there were only four people who passed, and there grades only ranged from 70 to 80%.  My prof really, REALLY, gives some low grades. I mean, where's his Christmas spirit?? Its almost the season of freakin giving, for goodness' sake.

When he explained why we, I couldn't really believe it.

Anyway, good news is that the rest of the day went rather well, watching Sherlock reruns and waiting for the next season, or series as they call it. It was actually based on the book itself, and though there were theories of different people from the web, I'm holding my breath for the real answer. No guessing , no theorizing or anything of the like. Did you know that the websites, the blogs of the characters, really do exist? Sherlock's, Watson's and Molly's blogs are real. There were entries and stuff. It was really intriguing and the comments were funny, thought-provoking and adds to the mystery of the show itself.

For me, Sherlock's kind of sweet, though he has his irritating moments as well as hilarious moments where his wit, sarcasm and whatnot tickled my funny bones. His intelligence and his ways of deduction are really awe-inspiring, that most of the time I can't follow what he's saying because he TALKS SO FAST!!! :P

Really, I can't imagine many people being able t do that. And for that, Benedict Cumberbatch, I salute your acting prowess on the TV screen. Great job in playing as the legendary Sherlock Holmes as well as the brilliant Stephen Hawking in the film Hawking. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Speak for herself...

You know what it feels to have a friend, a friend you thought you knew, stab you in the back? I mean, all of us experienced this at least once in our lives. To all those who didn't, lucky you. Because there's nothing like hearing from someone else that you're friend had been calling you names, mocking you, ridiculing you, behind your back to ruin a perfectly good day from the start.

It all started with me and my friend, Callie, chatting about how she has this dillema and stuff when she told me she heard my former friend, Girl #1, was talking behind her back. She said Girl#1 called her a Faker, social-climber and a lost cause. I thought, What the Fuck??? Speak for herself. From all perspectives, Girl#1's the social climber, clinging to rich students, forcing herself into their circle, then acting the self-righteous bitch that she was.

Then Callie told me she's talking about all of our friends behind their backs. I mean, this girl has no sense of loyalty whatsoever. Calling some a weirdo, a freak, and a druggie. She has no right to say those things because for one thing, they--we--were her blockmates, we were together for two semesters, and she never even talks to most of the people in our block.

Calling me a freak is one thing, calling my friend names...she has no right. She doesn't even see her anymore and more importantly, don't know my friend very well enough to call her that. When I first heard about that, I really, REALLY, wanted to get right in her face and demand that she take back those words before I rip her hair out and mess up that anorexic toothpick figure of hers.

Before she go spouting bullshit about people, she should really know that person first. It not only hurts that person, but also ruins a person's image in the eyes of other people. Hence, ruining a nice life in college.

Grrr.. Thinking about her makes me want to...

The plastic-toothpick bitch... >:(

Friday, October 19, 2012

Exams...BRING IT ON!!!

Midterm week!!!

The time comes again when I have to shove all that I will read in my head and hope that it doesn't burst  out leaving me empty of vital info. Especially during the test.

Sleepless drinks...lots and LOTS of coffee...and too many junk food to count...

Here we go again. Only this time, the daunting majors are leading the enemy front line.

Its not only just me battling against them. Armed to the teeth with study techs and an array of caffeinated food, my fellow friends and I will battle it out to the fullest. The stakes are high this term, with too many to lose looming ahead.

This is just the stress talking. Haven't got any sleep last night. Worse part is, that whole night, I only got half of the work done. Don't know why, but nothing stuck when I tried to shove all of it into my slightly-cloudy brain. I tried coffee, candy even soda... Nothing worked. I still knocked out.

Very tired kittyFirst subject was Phil. It isn't even a major yet its like a bar exam. Its like you have to memorize the whole book in order to answer all correctly. I mean, I tried, really I did but there are still point where  guessed because it wasn't even...Anyway, the worst of the bunch is yet to come. In the form of an oral speech/exam actually. Apart from that, another very hard(although some of my friends wouldn't say that) subject that I HAVE to really stay awake for.

*sigh* Good luck to me. And to those who know what I'm feeling right now.. hope you have a better day than mine. Good luck to you all. (Well, I'll be needing it. Definitely)

* - * - * - * - *

A little humor to brighten the day. >@<

Student graphics

Monday, October 8, 2012

Whew..Close call..

I thought today was another boring, routine day...that all that would happen was that: attend classes, take notes that kind of stuff with the few occasional surprises..

Man, was I wrong.

On my way home, minding my own business, reading a text from my phone while waiting for a ride, when suddenly a grabs my phone from behind and shout that I should give it up and that he'll shoot me. What happens next will be either stupid or brave by anyone's view. 

Without thinking, adrenaline pumping, instincts took over. A tug of war commenced, both of us grabbing my phone, struggling. I was riding in the vehicle so I was able to lie down on the leather seat, push my leg through the window and started using his face as target practice. Sadly he got off without a scratch--well, except for a few scratches from my braces when I tried to bite him. But a definite win for me in this round because I have a suspicion that that guy will remember the girl he lost to. 

I know it was a dangerous situation from the start, that may things could go wrong. 1, he may have a knife and I could have been stabbed; which from the start I know he didn't because he used both hands in the struggle and when he told me that he'll kill me, I felt the end of the "gun" dig in my neck--I realized then that it was just his fingers--some gun. And 2, his accomplice might've helped his partner. Thank my lucky stars that didn't happen. 

And, I just realized this two hours after, that the driver may have been in one it. Because 1, he didn't drive like hell when he realized that there was a robbery happening in his vehicle and 2, when I remember he said that there were many of his passengers who got there phone stolen and I was the first one who got away. That sneaky bastard. He might've fooled the other passengers, but not me.

I was a bit shaken, I'm sorry to admit, but what happened today served as a lesson. That it could happen to anybody & I'd be better prepared for things like this. That's why I'll be starting  taking Krav Maga lessons soon & taking precautions

Hey, a girl can't be too careful. Right? ^.^

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bright Sunshine ^@^

Here's my entry for Julie Kagawa's Contest:

My name's Poppy and I'm Summer fey from the Seelie Court. 

I'm not rooting for anyone 'cause I'm totally torn between two cute, awesome guys. 

Seelie(hot, spontaneous, and unpredictable) or Unseelie(cool(literally), hot and a bad-boy material). Seriously, I can't choose!!!

So happy I could enter this contest. Even though it was tiring and working most of the time, it was so worth it!!

here's the link:

Friday, September 7, 2012

That girl...

...she. Is. A. B-I-A-T-C-H. Major pain in the a**. A freakin snobby little sh*t. @#%$&*#$@%!!!!!!!

Woke up early, got to school early, expecting for the topic to be easy. Never thought a girl with her caliber to be super expecting from us.

See, there's this project we were supposed to be doing this week about the history of WWII for world history class. Our leader, aka the snobby one, was assigned to direct everything. We didn't really knew each other that well. Since first impressions leave lasting marks, she acted nice the first meet, all sweet and kind and over all miss popularity.

A good day from the morning where I woke up from a dream I knew was great but unfortunately forgot about(that's the fickle human mind for you) to the point where it was going well until you got totally ambushed by a wolf in sheep's clothing.

She was giving instructions-she had really great ideas-until one of the opinionated member of our group spoke up and one thing led to another and the next thing I knew, they were like contradicting each other's statements. At first, it was all good, at least I think it did til the girl blindsided the member by removing him/her (sorry can't risk even that about the member's identity) from the group which opened a whole new can of worms.

It all ended with that person leaving(feel so bad for that person, since he/she was a good friend) voluntarily. I would have said that the girl was a total beyatch but after the whole fiasco, and for the sake of every body's grade, I kept it to myself. Actually, I ranted about the girl's "great" personality later after the meet. About how a snob she was, how she would sing about her personal achievements as if we could care and being a stinkin' smarty pants. Honestly, that girl really, really needs to loosen up. And nobody really likes a smarty pants. No matter how pretty or how may accomplishments she/he has. No need to rub it in our faces that she's more superior than most ordinary people.

I think she has a stick shoved up her ass her entire life and had a few friends for all the ice-queen vibe she sends out. Maybe she mostly has fake friends, anyway.

I'm not doing this because I'm being mean or anything, its because I needed to lose much pent-up steam over the ordeal. I don't have much of a choice in the matter; its either this or start putting my frustration and anger on more destructive methods.

Anyway, I was hoping these brewing emotions would melt away by now; sadly none of my calming methods are working. I don't know what to do. I can't drown myself in chocolate(1, because I'd get fat faster even though it helps a little, and 2 it'll have bad repercussions on my skin) so  that leaves exercise. Hard running, violent tennis and among other things.

My friend says that he/she was fine, but I'm not so sure. After being on the receiving end of that snake of a tongue...I'm just hoping that after that ordeal, she would get better at treating other people as ordinary people, not expecting too highly of others by comparing themselves to her, and understand that being normal is a good thing, loosening a little and having a little fun(even though she says she's a smiley person-highly doubt it). Treating everybody as equals would benefit all of us and maybe create a more pleasant environment where we all could understand each other's limit in skills.

I do not want a repeat of that. Ever. She could just suck up her scathing opinions and leave if she continues to be that way. why

Friday, August 10, 2012

The aftermath...

Rain. Rain. And still rain.

Four days, three nights.

Its been known that our country was ravaged by a semi-storm, a low pressure area of cold and warm air. Great floods submerged residences as deep as 8 feet, maybe more. Many died in them, many were lost from their loved ones, alone in the chilling cold of the murky, dirty water. Cries of despair stained the air, for finding the bodies lifeless and cold destroyed what little hope they have left. But not all despaired for some were found, alive and yet not well, but alive nonetheless.

I write these words in the aftermath of "Habagat" as we like to call the horrible storm that put most of our major cities in a state of calamity.

My prayers go to those who are really affected by this disaster. To those families evacuated or forced to leave their homes. They had no food or water, actually there's a scarce supply of them, so I'm really thankful for the celebrities, volunteers and others who had the heart and resources to go there, be with them and give them what they desperately needed in the past few days. And for those who prayed and prayed and prayed... many thanks.

The first ray of the sun gives on new hope for new beginnings. With each day, each everyone would rise and start anew again.

From the ashes, a new beginning arises. Well, in this case from the mud.

Never say Filipinos don't know how to get up when things are down. :P

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

new cover, new cover, NEW COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

OMG!!!!.. THE COVER'S HERE!!!! is that Jason & Percy FIGHTING?!?!?!?!? that sure as hell look a wicked looking owl right there. Hey!!! That's Jack and...who's was that horse again?? And I have to wait for  3 MONTHS for this?!?!?! The waiting sure does kill me as well as royally pissing me off!!! And since its a long wait, here are come things I highly expect(which may or may not come true, but sure as hell going to keep expecting):

1. PercyxAnnabeth reunion. I'm gonna smack Percy right upside the head if I can if he screws his first time with her after so many months of her worrying and doubting about him. So you better make this work.

2. JasonxPiperxReyna(possible) triangle. I honestly think that Reyna and Jason got something going on before he disappeared from Camp Jupiter. I mean in the previous book it doesn't seem that way but I think Reyna's feelings are one-sided otherwise Jason wouldn't hook-up with Piper if he was taken. To me, he's just not that type of guy and he's too nice.

3. TysonxElla. I know it's kinda gross to some of you but...the big guy kinda grew on me and Ella's sweet in a...crazy, Harpy kind of way.

4. Leox...? It would be nice if Leo, Camp Half-Blood's Romeo could get a decent girlfriend or girl who would like him. Its kind of sad for his friends to have someone and he doesn't. :(

5. FrankxHazel. Glad their together, although from what I've read in the previous book, Leo's probably going to be involved in a triangle whether he wants to or not. Gotta blame the genes. *Sigh*

6. OCTAVIAN  MUST DIE!!!!!!! That little piece of schist should just shut up when he's not needed. He's nothing without his precious Sybelline scrolls anyway. If you ask me, Rachel's more reliable with the Oracle itself hijacking her than some kid ripping innocent stuffed animals and reading their fluffy entrails.  *hmph*

Hmm.. Well that's all I can think of now. Can't wait for Mark of Athena. 3 months sucks. :(

Sunday, May 6, 2012

OMG!!!! i love it!!

OMG!!! this new book of Julie Kagawa is sure to be a masterpiece just like the rest of her previous works. I just finished reading the excerpt of this from The Immortal Rules and it got me crazy just waiting for October.

And the COVER.. oh my man.. its so drool-swoon-and-faint worthy!!!..I mean, I wonder how many years had passed and what had happened to Meghan and Ash during this time. There's so many things to think about the next upcoming books from the Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten trilogy.. Wonder if Meghan and his royal iciness has a cute heir by then.. hmm ^o^

And in the excerpt that Ethan has a new leading lady but forget about her(I didn't mean that XD). The oh man..Ethan just grew up...never even expected he'd grow into a yummy hunk. But if placed side by side, Ash wins hands done for me--i think he's hotter than Ethan(Oh I don't know, I think they're both hot!!!) So hoping that his sister and princy has a cute baby, because I think their story, happy though as it ended, is just not complete with a result of their undying and unbreakable love for each other. :)

To all those who have read the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa, and to those who haven't, her works are memorable. All her books should be made into movie.. Oh and this next story's  going to be so friggin' awesome!!!! October should come sooner!!! :P

(pics from google)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Its Summer!!!

The beach. The sun. And entire days of fun.

After months of being trapped in school and buried in homework and pop quizzes, finally the time has come to let loose and relax. With nothing to do for a few weeks, we make every minute count and spend it by having tons of fun.

But for some of us, who're currently in college and on tri-sem schedule, it'll be only a few days to spend summer. And with the last few days of school work, your professors would cram the last activities on the remaining days before summer break. Damn those moments when you got your presentation ready and all organized when the stupid ancient and effin computer would ruin all your hard work and carefully laid plans.

That would make what started to be a great day into a somewhat sucky one. The weather today matched my mood; gloomy, rainy and freaking miserable. Rage and having the feeling of the unfairness of the situation bubble up inside me. I would've usually spent it eating my rage and resentment away, but the day turned out for the better.

And for that, I thank you, my friends(you know who you are :P ) with my deepest gratitude. Without your guys' presence and good humor, I would've been still stewing in my emotions. I hate you guys for having an early summer than I am and had rubbed it in my face. You guys are forgiven. To an extent.

To sum up my day, like I said before, it started okay, proceeded with increasingly depressing moments and then there was the climax(which was the ultimate dismal instant) and concluding with smiles, laughs and the fading memory of the previous bitterness.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some guys have the luck..

When faced with women's needs and necessary habits, some guys go green. I don't know if they're uncomfortable with the subject or just disgusted. Anyway, when I say that some guys have all the luck, I meant in a general way.

Guys who're comfortable with themselves, confident and sure of himself, nothing fazes them. Nothing gets in the way of what they want when they have their target in their sights. And there are guys who think of sex, sex and nothing BUT sex. Like this guy I know. His mind is so DURTY:), I bet he surfs the porn sites every day and all night. Some women are that way too, don't get me wrong but its not bad for a woman to be that way. Maybe their sex drives are rusty or they haven't been getting any or some action in a while.

Hey its your own sexuality. Anyway, guys are lucky coz in terms of birth control, they just use condoms while women use a bucket full of contraceptives like pills, diaphragm, and injections. And when the woman gets pregnant, who gets the fallout?

I just think its unfair, that's all.

Hard times in life

Its kind of hard to say things that you know you shouldn't say. If its for the sake of others, you'd try to keep your shut. That deep, nasty secret your keeping, it will eat you up inside, nag at you and be always there to remind you at the most unexpected times.

But then, that's what friend's are for, right?

Take for example of a situation where your bestfriend was cheating on your other bf's boyfriend and you found out, would you keep it from the other bf and act like you never saw or know anything about it? Or would you confront that bestfriend, risk your friendship, because you know its wrong and you know your bestfriend better than that. But what if you never really knew her? What if after a small period of separation between the two of you would suddenly make you realize that she isn't the same person you knew before?

I know that some people are braver, more outspoken and have more guts to do the right thing and confront that friend. Lucky are those who are and have already done those deeds. But what about the weak? Those people who don't have it in the, and naive and selfless that they would turn the other way to keep things between them the same as always.

Life sucks sometimes. There are the easy parts where it makes life a paradise; and there are the hard parts that make it bearable but sometimes hard to take in. Should you be given a choice, would you choose an easy life, where everything is predictable, safe and black & white or would you rather choose life with easy and hard parts that sometimes makes it unbearable but also worth living in? You choose, becasue I'm having a hrad time making up my mind. :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger games rock!!!

Today was the grand premiere of the "Hunger Games" movie here. So excited I was. My friends and I went to MOA to watch it. One of my friends were so excited, she said her mind wasn't on the quiz that morning because she so really wanted to watch the movie and anticipated badly for days.

Before watching the movie, I never had the chance to read the book. Now that I did, I suddenly became eager to read the whole series. Katniss was an awesome character. She's got a facet of personalities. One moment, you see she's tough, arrogant and the next she's compassionate and innocent. She has honor and really deserved to win.

The only downside to the movie was the guy she ended up with. Peter doesn't look half much as hot as Gale. Gale is so much deserving of Katniss since they'd been both long time friends and they suit each other really well. And Gale is ten, no a hundred, no a million times hotter than Peter who by the way was the guy from the movie Zathura.

My friends said that Katniss and Gale eventually end up together at the final book. Can't wait to start on the series. :)

By the way, the way people dress in the Capitol is way weird. Especially this woman. :P

stupid chances

It was a free day for me. Having a lot of time to do nothing, having no worries for the time being, I read manga for a while in the computer lab one afternoon. "Clockwork" was a great manga; it was about a young guy from the navy coming back to Japan after years serving in Annapolis. This manga was Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Historical and Shounen. In the case of unfortunate circumstance, while I was reading, an image of an ecchi scene popped up. And me being in a public set up, well I only found out later that someone really saw what I saw. When I tried to log in to the system, it completely blocked the website where I was reading it from. It was like a really dark cloud darkened my day. (to those who read manga, you'll understand the other words.)